About Us
Introducing Laboratory Diagnostics
Modern laboratory diagnostics must meet three criteria: validated medical significance, consistent quality and economic feasibility.
We support our customers in achieving their medical, quality and commercial goals by combining high-quality products and as well as medical result-oriented processes.
“Just imagine you would be a patient or medical professional. What would be your main criteria you would be looking for?
The Patients words: I want to be diagnosed und treated right. HCPs words: Sensitivity, specificity and the price must be right.
And in the background slumbers the word trust
Therefore, we know how we have to act.”

Dr. Bodo Antonic
Certified products
You cannot replace quality by anything else. Therefore we are challenging ourselves every day.
Certified processes
We do not sell only outstanding products. We do it even with certified, field-proven processes.
Career at our firm
We are deeply convinced, that people make the difference. We look forward to getting to know you as an HCP.
The numbers speak
for themselves
A Message from
our CEO
I have now been in the field of laboratory diagnostics for over 30 years. From the practical work at the laboratory bench, to product development and cooperation with our customers, I was allowed to gain insights in many areas.
It still gives me great pleasure to work in this field. Today, laboratory diagnostics can better than ever meet the requirements of the attending physicians, laboratories and thus the patients – and I get to be a part of it.
Our Mission
We offer our medical customers, whether they work in the medical office, in the hospital or in the laboratory, a medically high-quality fundament for their therapeutic decisions.
Therefore, we offer our customers only selected laboratory diagnostic products that meet or exceed medical needs in terms of specifity and sensitivity.
To the patients who have entrusted themselves to our medical customers, we offer reliability and our passion for outstanding laboratory diagnostic quality.
For us, the key words in medicine are quality, competence and trust. We use every day to reliably do our part in this regard.